About the Company


The license of Moscow License Chamber N 001824 (veterinary activity).

Our company wholesales veterinary preparations, substances, premixes, and zoo-veterinary tools and equipment.

Presently the firm has a successful experience in comprehensive supply of livestock enterprises, poultry and swine farms. The company is a contractor of state defense order for supply of property for Veterinary-Sanitary Service for the needs of the Rear of the Armed Forces of Russian Federation.

Close co-operation with producers allows the firm to sell the goods on the maximum beneficial terms for our buyers and in the end considerably saves your money.

The company employees have constantly been working on the attraction of new customers.

Individual approach to every customer, the flexible system of discounts and the possibility of credit against goods allow us to increase constantly the number of our customers.

The company drivers deliver the goods to Moscow suburb and adjacent regions free of charge.

The goods are supplied to distant regions by railway, road and air.

We invite any organizations of Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia for co-operation.

We are ready to consider any propositions from home and foreign producers of veterinary preparations about co-operation.


Wholesale trade

Phone & Fax: (495) 632-18-04, 632-28-79

Phones: (495) 972-87-20

Call from 9:00 till 18:00 except Saturday and Sunday.

Consulting and retail trade

Call veterinary drugstore: (495) 510-86-04

Working hours from 9:00 till 20.00 everyday.

Ваш источник информации о новых препаратах?

CD "Ветеринарные препараты в России"